Wednesday, October 22, 2008

溏心风暴2之家好月圆 - Recommended!!

These few days been watching "溏心风暴2之家好月圆".. very nice.. but angry as well.. dun understand why Sa姨 everytime must say so sarcastic words de.. Anyway only watched 11 episodes, still have 29 more to go.. But so far.. felt that 溏心2 is better than the 溏心1.. the story line seems more interesting..

And i love 阿卡 so much.. he's so cute with those spec on.. keke..

If you love HK dramas.. then this is not to be missed.. NICE!! heez..


Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm STILL Sick..

Since last Friday fever which leads to sore throat, then coughing.. till now the coughing haven't been any better.. Was not be able to sleep well these few nights.. the cough is just too irritating.. Was coughing even badly on the bus.. super irritating..

See the doc downstair on Tues, but haven't been better.. As my usual doc was not in, the relieve doc was an auntie & a blur-blur one lor.. she seems so lost & confused.. she din gave me cough syrup nor anti-biotics.. And i specially requested for stronger medicine for night time to have better sleep.. but in the end.. her medicine doesn't works!! Haiz.. think have to go see my usual doc tml again.. i'll have to make sure it's that doc..

omg.. hope to recover from the cough real soon..

Monday, October 6, 2008

隐形翅膀 by 讨闹派

Wahaha~~ finally figure out how to put a song into my blog.. Love this song by Bao's band.. very hippy, happy and nice~~~ heez..


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Saturday had passed.. Today is sunday and now it's 4.08pm.. From morning till now, like usual.. nothing to do.. slacking at home.. after lunch.. surf the net & listening to my fav. music..

As i was so bored that i got nothing to surf le.. i decided to do some editing of my photos.. wahaha.. After finishing on the few artist that i liked.. I continue with Bao's band ones.. haha.. Logging into facebook, grabbing photos posted by his other band mates.. and started my work.. haha.. i must be too free to do such a thing.. kekez

Now i've done so many things.. i'm going to proceed to enjoy Tohoshinki Concert DVD now.. hohoho.. (^.^)


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Surfing the net.. Interior Design

After a long day of office move yesterday.. Though was a minor one as compare to the last move, but still it was so tiring moving those files over. So a good rest at home today is necessary~~ heez

Well.. as usual, saturday wake up.. nothing to do.. cooked a packet of maggie mee for lunch.. den start surfing the net.. was searching abt "interior design" just now.. heez.. thinking of my dream home in future again.. haha..
Some pics of those design that i likes.. and guess what, i found the Doraemon beddie too.. so kute.. kekez
