Tuesday, December 20, 2011

On Rainy Days.. Beast

It's raining since early morning.. On the way to work on bus, suddenly remember this song by Beast.. Which reminds me of HK.. Hahas.. Remember when in Mac at Tsuen Wan, heard this song.. How relaxing! :D missed that feeling....

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Before OL.. U work till 2am b4 flying off.. When u're back.. U work extra to clear yr 500 emails over the weekends, for many many hours! Is this a norm?? Is it worth it?? Been asking myself these qns.. Till now, I feels.. My ans would be "NO, it's not norm n it's not worth it!" I hate this kind of life n I can't wait till that day I'm leaving!

Saturday, December 17, 2011




FT's coming! Some nice néw song to listen to.. Hwaiting! :D

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

One more day to be seeing you again! Miss u!!! ;D

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Sunday, November 6, 2011

吃到了很用心做好了的sandwich 和 nanchos,很好吃。。晚上还到了楼下的Sheng Siong 买了火锅的材料,吃了一锅的"balls"和超辣的麻辣汤。。超棒的!开心!:D

Thursday, November 3, 2011

大包小包的回来了!超累的,但是我很开心我买到我的 Stay Real 的新衣服!是贵了点,但是品质和设计都是超赞的啦!非常值得买!;)


Meanwhile.. 21 more days to see you! Miss u! :D

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

每天吃着这么多的美食,感觉好幸福噢! :D 我一定会非常怀念永和的萝卜糕,基隆的锅贴,饶河夜市的臭豆腐!呵呵。。

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

我好想看五月天的演唱会!令人非常怀念!OAOA~~~ ;)

Monday, October 17, 2011


Relax and take a deep breathe.. good music always cure a bad day!! ;D
Love the rhythm of the song > 2pm - HOT...

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Been too stress out with works and rather unhappy with lots of stuffs lately.. very demoralize at work! I need good rest and away from work during the weekends!

Just finish watching a HK dramas -
天天天晴 (Sunny Every Days.. starring 李司棋, 毛舜筠, 李思捷 & etc). It's a very nice show, something i learnt... 只要相信人生无论遇到什么困难,只要抱着"希望"这个信念去迎接明天。。那每一天都将会是晴天!所以大家一定要加油!! (^_~) Hwaiting!!!

This video is super funny, i like it! As usual, GD "gao guai" performance... nice~~ :P

Monday, September 26, 2011

Counting down to 60 days later..


今天的心情是。。念你~~ 哈哈哈。。

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Hossan Leong Show 2011

>> Come one come all, Singaporeans! It’s Episode Three and 3rd time’s the charm as the charming all-Singaporean sensation Hossan Leong returns with BRAND NEW SKITS, BRAND NEW STAND UPS and BRAND NEW LAUGHS!
>> All the drama of the General Election 2011 but with more tongues in cheeks and fewer tears on faces! But not just that, everything Singaporeans love will get that Hossan Leong twist and shout. From Ironing bored Chefs to Haunted Housing issues. There'll even be new game show segments that we can all relate to like “So you think you can Dance ...Tahan?”
>> Well, we know what you cannot tahan. You sure cannot tahan NOT to catch Hossan Leong, Chua Enlai, Judee Tan, Siti Khalijah and DJ Shigeki in this latest episode of epic comic proportions. Directed one more time by George Chan, we’re all in for a treat.
>> Hossan says this time Triple Confirm! Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!

It would be such a nice show to be catching after a long bad and crappy day at work! Have lots of good laugh! Relax and enjoy the show... very nice! I love the show.... You should catch it too! It was extended for another 1 more week due to overwhelming demands... (^-^)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My belated birthday present! Yeah... something that i choose, i need and i like! ♥♥♥♥♥ :D

Thank u to my dearest all.. TQ Bao for doing up the cupboard.. and yx & yc for the deco on the cupborad....<3 <3 <3

Shopping Shopping Time~~

Woah... So many things to buy~~ =)

Dinner after a tough time trying to squeeze the things into the car... I love the food there.. super nice... yummy!! XD

Simple but yet means alot to me.. thanks gals! <3

Finally all nicely done! ♥♥♥♥♥ (^_^)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sentosa Trip... ^^

Sentosa trip on 20th July... Komata Chingu for the belated bdae celebration... Love all the small gifts and of cus the card!!Though the weather was so hooottt that day but still i had lots of fun..

Looking forward to the next outing to the ZOO!! =D

♦ Lunch @ Seoul Garden Hot Pot before the trip ♦

♦ Scary~~ Cable Car Ride.. ♦

♦ Finally.. Sentosa!! ♦

♦ Very cool & fun... ;D ♦

♦ special edited photo for memory.. can you spot it? hahas.. ♦

♦ Picnic by the sea.. sandy beach.. sunny day.. =) ♦

♦ Group photo with my lovely friends.. ♦

♦ TQ babes! Love the card, balloon & cookie... so sweet.. ♦

♦ Group photo with my lovely friends.. ♦

♦ Late dinner @ macdonald... ^_~ ♦

♦ what is in the family dinner box?!? tata~~~ :) ♦

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

KL trip... eat, eat, eat & eat!! ;D

Am back from KL again.. going with different people, different period of time and agenda.

Great location at Grand Millennium Hotel stay..

A really short trip and though nothing much was done but still i enjoyed the trip! (thanks Bao.. <3)

~Breakfast before taking off to KL~

~D very nice "mian fen guo" @ Ying Ker Lou Hakka Cuisine.. 赞~

~How can we miss a HK movie there? - The Fortune Buddies 《勁抽福祿壽》 ^^~

~Favourite thing to do: lazing @ Starbucks for the wifi! :D~

~My Krispy Kreme breakfast.. yummy!!~

~"Courier Service"- Still not enough.. "tabao" back to Sin.. hahas~

~KLIA express.. very convenient and comfortable~

~Simply love it.. Old Town again.. keez~

~Lunch before flying back~

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Satification: 100%

Today was like a labour day for me! Did alot of hard work! Cleaning, clearing and dusting the room from afternoon till past midnight just to have all the things up~~ I'm so tired but i'm supa happy!!! My room was so cosy and nice that i feels like staying in whole day & night! haha..

Too bad that the cupboard does not have stock now.. if not it would be perfect! But i'm still so looking forward to be receiving it as my bdae present from YC, YX & SP next month... Hooray & thanks gals! ;)

Setting up the tv console, xin ku le bao! (^-^)

♥ TQ to Bao! ♥

neeew cosy area of my bedroom.. ♥ it! :D

my favourite longan after a hard day work...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Magic Power 魔幻力量 - 不按牌理出牌

♫♪♬♩♫~~~ 好听!

Finally.. all booked and ready to go~ Yesh! so looking forward to the trip! =D

Thursday, July 21, 2011

So addicted to "Hell's Kitchen"! ;D

Hell's Kitchen is an American reality-television cooking competition (based on a series of the same name, broadcast in the UK) broadcast on Fox. It is hosted by celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay. (♥ Chef Ramsay.. so cool!)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Home sweet home again~~ (n_n)

I'm glad i'm back again but am not so glad that so fast returning to work tml already.. Feeling very tired and hungry now... kinda sianz half... can't wait to bath and rest well... :(

Some happy stuff to drive the unhappiness away... the 1st half was so funny! Especially Yoseob expression... 너무 귀엽다! XD

Thursday, June 30, 2011

I actually make it thru the trip! Finally! I'm back!!!! XD
I missed my bed and my room so much! Warm and cozy! haha...
Definitely a good night sleep tonight... :D
Good nitez everyone! ;P

★ listening to "Beast" and trying to revise my korean in hotel! sooo hardworking! ★

★ sleeping with Doraemon... so bright! keke.. ★

★ coffee time before departure from KLIA★

♥ my 1st meal back to SG with Bao! ♥

Tuesday, June 28, 2011



Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Oh no!!!!!! Think I'm stuck in Singapore in August again! So sad! All the place I wanted to go are like monsoon season worx..

Not genting again bah! Haiz.. :(

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Been craving for souffle for days... Looks so yummy, isn't it... =D
where can i find a good chocolate souffle?


健康就好。。 =)

(8th May 2011)

第一次当人家的姐妹,很有趣, 很好玩,

! =D

(2th May 2011)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Kota Tinggi Trip (and Desaru Fruit Farm...)

1 full day trip.. was so hot, almost "melted".. haha.. but i have lots of fun! XD

(30th April 2011)