Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween @ Night Safari

It's was Halloween yesterday and we went to the Night Safari... Was quite a fun night.. haha.. but also a very scary night.. well.. we reached there abt 9plus.. It was very crowded.. Not just the staff are dressed up, many other sare also all dressed up for the occasion.. some with scary mask on.. some with blood all over.. some with white faces - like Jiang Shi (the Chinese Vamp).. so many scary costumes ard.. The most scary part is at the bridge stood a "Jiang Shi Xian Sheng".. with the scary make-up & no expression.. staring at you and w/o a word suddenly JUMP towards you.. scare me to death lo.. i was screaming so loudly.. haha..

Well.. on the whole.. was quite fun larh.. some photos taken there.. ^-^


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