Monday, September 28, 2009

what a day...

The weather is super hot.. was sweating like hell..I missed the fun!!! so many things that doesn't went smoothly today... so sianz.....

Hope to be able to go back there to cycle & exploring the place again!! That would be so fun...

Anyway watching G-Dragon MV again.. cheering up abit.. so cool when he's singing.. and loved the evil smile from him.. haha..

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bought this Kido Daruma HP Strap with Screen Wiper on Monday.. Isn't it cute... heez.. Love the way it was hanging onto my hp.. though it's kinda big.. heez.. Bought the pink one! represent endure-ness... geez..

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


This best describe my feelings right now... So to conclude.. Some thing is better to be left unsaid....

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Korean Star....... G-Dragon

G-Dragon (real name: Kwon Ji-Yong)... the leader of the Korean hip-hop group Big Bang. He began training under YG Entertainment at the age of 12.. After 6 years of vocal and dance training he made his debut in 2006 as part of Big Bang.

Music Style: G-Dragon's music bases on Hip Hop

Fashion Style:
G-Dragon has drawn attention from many through his sense of fashion. He usually wears London street fashion, and likes to have unique accessories to accompany his style

Korean Food & Music...

Went to this Korean restaurant at Iluma.. Though it was kinda exp.. but the food was very nice.. love the rice cake.. yummy!! (^.^) must find another day go try the other dishes.. kee..

Btw.. saw this MV there at the restaurant.. This guy is very cool isn't it.. (Heartbreaker by G-Dragon )

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Let me live in my small fairy world! haha..

Saturday, September 12, 2009

五月天 - 你不是真正的快乐

Have you wonder... 快乐是什麼? 什麼是快乐?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The article.. Car Crash Seatbelt Injury?

Read this from the internet..

"Understand that the body is working to try and heal itself, so don't freak out when it takes time. The more you can relax, the faster the healing process will be."

Am glad & grateful that my pain is not as worse as others, at least i can still move ard & start working.. Well.. at least i know that this pain is normal and what i am going thru' right now is normal too.. Hoping not to worry so much about it..

Rest & Relax.. is all that i need.... ^_^

Friday, September 4, 2009

Who am i??

Actually i just wanted to be a simple & kind person.. but i realise.. it's hard! Why is it that ppl ard you are like that, in order to blend in.. you have to become like them? It's like this there.. outside.. you have to talk & said things that ppl would like to hear? you have to change to suit them?

Sometimes i wonder am i reli of such person.. sometimes i just wanted to be myself, living in my own world.. no politics.. no need to think.. just do wat i like.. laze ard.. watch dvd.. gaming.. sleep..

I tried so hard to be more friendly, try to create conversations with others.. but i guess i'm just not those type of person.. I don't speak well...

I guess.. i need somebody to lead me instead of leading that person??

I'm so tired... so sianz... so confused...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

oh my.. seems like so many things to do this week.. the days passed so fast that i din even notice.. Friday tml le.. so fast.. I'm so tired & so uncomfortable everyday.. so sianz.. I can't slp well, can't work well nor eat well.. I needs lots & lots of painkiller & sleeping pills!!

Reli hate this feelings.. all the discomfort at the chest... Hope all this go away more faster!! I need my normal life back so badly...... Y___Y

But i'm glad to have all the care & concern from so many of you.. esp to Bao.. who accompany & worry for me all these while.. appreciate lots... ^-^